Freedom & Unity: The Vermont Movie is now available on line!

VIMEO ON DEMAND You can purchase streaming of each part separately, or purchase all 6 parts for streaming!

Vimeo Streaming

PAST LOCAL SCREENINGS have been at many Vermont locations... such as:
Fairfax Community Library — 6 to 8pm

Varnum Memorial Library, Jeffersonville, VT
A Vermont Humanities Council Program
hosted by the Varnum Memorial Library
and the Crescendo Club Library Association.

PAST TELEVISION SCREENINGS: Vermont PBS and PBS Plus aired Freedom & Unity: The Vermont Movie

all six feature films during June / July 2015 & July 2014
Interviews follow each screening.


A Very New Idea; Under the Surface; Refuge, Reinvention and Revolution; Doers and Shapers; Ceres’ Children; and People’s Power are 80-90 minutes in length. While each of these feature-length parts stand on their own, we encourage viewers to see as many of the series’ six parts as possible in a theater or other large screen venue. DVD box sets containing all six parts will be available for sale at each venue, or, purchase them online.

...a novel approach to dealing with the early chapters of Vermont’s history and looking at some of the crucial geopolitical events through the social history of the non-white population ...bold and very interesting.” — Michael Sherman, historian and author of Freedom and Unity: A History of Vermont.

The fact is that neither Old Vermont nor New Vermont are as good or as simple as our first, knee-jerk reactions would make them. Today’s Vermont is a complex place, as was yesterday’s Vermont. And the two are deeply related.” — Tom Slayton, author, commentator, and editor of Vermont Life magazine from 1986 to 2007.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please make a check payable to:
Freedom & Unity Project

Upper Valley Arts
P.O. Box 322
Norwich, Vermont 05055

...and thank you so much for your support!!!


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